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Now Hold On!

          Before you join our team we do have certain programs we work in as a standard! Before hitting the apply button at the bottom of this page and submitting any kind of application, please familiarize yourself with what we tend to work in!


Please also familiarize yourself with our other terms and conditions listed below!


PLEASE NOTE: exceptions may be made dependent from person to person. if you need an exception for a program that you use please state so in your application form.


Everyone who applies is applying as a volunteer as of rn. We are unable to provide payment as of this moment though we wish to change this in the future.

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Why use only specific programs?

         This is so that way it is easy to pass around files between team members. this allows for a more stream lined process without any issues of dealing with non compatible programs to files or vice versa. We of course are willing to add programs to this list as we find what works and what doesn't.


If we don't list a type of program here that is simply because we have yet to find what works best for us yet or have not yet had to deal with using that type of program. for instance we have yet to work texturing on 3d models, and though that is something we want to do, we haven't yet, thusly it is not listed.



PLEASE NOTE: this list may be updated and changed items may be added or removed depending on what we find works. any program type we haven't mentioned we may still be deliberating on so feel free to suggest programs for any such category once on the team

General Programs/Applications Needed

We need every to have access to these no matter what so if you don't already have these set up please looking into doing so.


  • Google docs

  • Google sheets

  • Google Slides

  • Google drive or other form of large file sharing service

  • Discord (this is where we work)

General Art Programs

Anything that accepts and can create a psd fine is fine but here are our recommendations.


  • Fire Alpaca

  • Photoshop

  • Clip Studio Paint

2d Animation Programs

We will be working with 2 different animation file types Psd and Clip studio files and are experimenting with how to get them to work with one another.


  • Photoshop

  • Clip Studio Paint

3d Animation Modeling and Rigging Programs

Wile we allow for Maya thanks to the Baya file converter extension, we recommend using Blender for convenience.


  • Blender

  • Maya

Game Developement

Game programs will vary from use project to project but here's a list of programs we may find ourselves working in.


  • Unreal

  • RPG maker

  • Tyrano Builder

  • Godot

Voice Acting and Sound Editting

We ask that Voice actors have a quiet place to record and a good quality mic like a Blue Snowball or better. We want to produce Wav files so anything that can do that is fine for now, but here are our recomendations.


  • Audacity

  • Adobe Audition

We do have some terms...

         Because generally we want to try to be your "yes man", we do have to have some rules in place to keep the peace as well as keep ourselves safe. If you are not okay with any of our terms, we recommend not applying as very few acceptations will be made, but of course you are free to reach out via our email located on our Find Us page and ask us directly about anything.

  • We request you don't reveal anything about our projects that are currently being worked on without permission from the director(s) of said project(s) or is something that has already been shared publicly.

    • consider this a sort of NDA.​

  • Communication is a requirement in any space like this, please be willing to talk with all of your teammates and directors.

    • If someone or something is making you uncomfortable please make it known to someone who can do something about it.​

  • Our Discord server has its own set of rules so please review and follow those (nothing major, mostly just some rehashing of these rules and a few basic rules most servers have).

  • When it comes to pitching project ideas, the basic copyright of projects that are pitched to us will be discussed upon approval but before being made official.

    • Projects must be kept youtube appropriate. We do not want to hear about your idea for your erotica.​
    • ​​Speaking of copyright we will never accept fan works due to the issues of copyright so do not even try.

  • Everything here is subject to change  over time as we continue to develop. While we will notify everyone of these changes, all we can do is notify you, it is up to you.

Now You Know Everything You Need to Know!

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