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We Are Rainbow Quil

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          We are an online based studio to the dedication of creativity, the drive of growth, and the desire for experience and practice. We strive to provide not only an audience of entertainment, but also a space for creators to create together, learn, grow, and connect. 

          Rainbow Quil is a group willing to bring on the creatively driven no matter what the education and help them thrive into a notoriously hard to get into industry. Be it teaching them the pipeline or helping them gain some experience and portfolio work. People are free to come and go from our team even if they just want to learn.

          We wish for creatives to thrive in there craft, make connection's, and get the help they need to make there projects and ideas a reality. That all starts with a team.


Let that team be our team!

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Q: Who's the rainbow cat bird?


          That is our mascot (and founder Soft-Silence's fursona), Soft Spot! She is what we call a House Griffin, a domesticated version of a griffin, who evolved to be more cat like rather then bird. She herself may not look it, but she is a magical wish granting witch doctor. she'll grant anyone's wish but always ask for something in return, be it telling her how she looks in an outfit that she never wears, or something more extreme or out right impossible.


Q: Why start Rainbow Quil?


          We know how hard it is to make it into any creative industry. Be it because you lack experience, connection's, or an expensive education. We came to be in the hopes we could help be at the very least a stepping stone for people who normally wouldn't be able to make it in on there own.


          We also desire to help make peoples ideas a reality. As our cofounder Shade Nocturne puts it best, "We want to be your yes man".

Q: How does Rainbow Quil work?


          Rainbow Quil works in a different manner to most big name studios. this is to ensure that we can reach as many people as possible while still having a dedicated team.


  • People join in as a Member; these people are unofficial team members who have come on be it for a temporary purpose or to eventually become staff. Members can apply to become staff or can be invited.

    • Members are allowed to pitch ideas for projects and in-fact take priority over outside pitches

    • Names/Aliases of our current members are featured in the Our Team tab 

  • Members can eventually become official Staff; these people are official members of the team and are considered to be faces of Rainbow Quil. Staff are expected to set an example for all members both inside our group and outside.

    • Staff project pitches take priority over member pitches​

    • Names/Aliases and links to the socials of our current staff are featured in the Our Team tab

Q: Is Rainbow Quil work paid work?


          Unfortunately for now we are working off passion. HOWEVER we would love to be able to pay people for there work with us, but in order to do that we need the support of the people and we're a bit to young for that. But we want it known that being able to pay our lovely staff is something we want to work towards.

Q: How can I support Rainbow Quil?


          For now simply following us on all our platforms, watching what we put out, and sharing us and our work around as much as possible is enough support. You can even apply to Join The Team if you want!


          Eventually though as stated previously, we want to open a patreon, and merch store in order to be able to support and pay for the work our team does to bring you guys the content we can.

Q: Can Voice Actors join the team?


          Anyone who is any part of the pipeline of creation can join! Voice Actors, Sound Editors, Writers, EVERYONE, can become a member or staff member. Voice actors in our discord will specifically get to audition and get first dibs on voice rolls we put out before it takes to Casting Call Club.

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